Saturday 27 July 2024

Photo's on my Phone 11th July to 27th July 2024

I don't have many photo's as we've been stuck at home due to all 3 dogs catching kennel cough from one of their dog friend's. 
The boys sailed through, but poor Tinks sounded like she had been smoking 40 a day for a couple of days, they are all better now.

While we were stuck at home the big boy's watched a football match.

While Mummy and Maggie pulled stupid faces.

We left the dogs at home for the Lynmouth Regatta, luckily the torrential rain that was forecast didn't happen, so much beer and laughter was enjoyed. 
The highlight of the regatta is always the seagull race, which involves running across the foot bridge with an outboard motor, attaching it to your dinghy, starting it, racing around the first post past the harbour wall while trying to keep the motor running.
Many fail at starting the motor bit, much to the amusement of the crowd who shout encouragement from the footbridge.

Our first trip out with the dog's when they had all recovered was to Braunton Burrow's, we all love the Burrows which is a vast area of giant sand dunes. 
This trip was very eventful, Ron disappeared chasing rabbits and didn't come back, Phil had to search for him while I put the other 2 on their leads (as we didn't want to lose them too) and looked in the opposite direction. Eventually Ron was captured and put on his lead, as we walked back to the car Tinks disappeared into a hedge and came back covered in fox poo, it was dripping off her collar, all over her head and back.
I dunked her in a very shallow muddy puddle to get the worst off, then Phil rubbed her down with handfuls of grass, we travelled home with all the car windows open!

And after 2+ weeks of quarantine Siri was finally reunited with his girlfriend (and hogged all the balls).

Thursday 25 July 2024

Drawing for me

Looking through my photo's I realised that last year was the year I drew for everyone else but me. 
I wanted (and needed) to sell prints, due to the recession which has shrunk all my income streams into a trickle.
I thought that if I drew what I thought people would like to buy that the prints would sell, but I hadn't considered that just because you like something it doesn't mean you are going to buy it.

I also drew for the people who said "I'd love to see a drawing of my building/shop/house etc etc" at the time I considered this was an intent to buy, but it wasn't. It was exactly what they said, "I would love to see.." not "I would like to buy.."
Over the last year attending fairs & markets numerous people commented that their house wasn't on one of my drawings, so they wouldn't buy it, but if I did a drawing that included their house that they would buy a print.

Over the past few weeks I have been considering starting several new drawings that would include all the missing houses, I even printed several photo's to use as inspiration, but I haven't been inspired enough to put pen to paper.
I think life is telling me to draw for me, so I'm rewinding, hoping I'll get back to here or some place similar.

At present I have a block about starting something and getting it wrong, so Iam colouring and altering prints that don't sell.
At the moment I'm working on Hollerday House

Which started off as this.

The coloured version is a bit of a mess, as I'm still trying to find the right pens to use, there are a few places where the markers have bled over the line or tiny spots of colour when the acrylic pen decided to leak, but on the whole I'm very happy and enjoying every minute of it.

At the moment my guilty pleasure is looking at pens on-line trying to find the perfect one to colour prints, a few have accidentally ended up in the post on their way to me 😁

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Experiments & other stuff

Not only have I finished Ilfracombe , but I've also finished Woolacombe.
I quite like it, but got carried away with acrylic pen and have over worked it. I was going to have it framed so I could exhibit it, but I'm not sure its worth it, so I'll find/make a mount and sell it as it is.

After finishing a major project I always feel a bit lost, so this weekend I've been playing until inspiration strikes. I decided I needed to tackle my Verona green sketchbook, the paper is beautiful, but the green dulls the colours and colour is my thing, so I've struggled to use it. I decided to experiment with different mediums, the first was Posca acrylic pens (one of my favourites) and think I don't need to look any further they are perfect, the colours are luminous.
The drawing on the right is drawn with a 0.003 pen and coloured with a 0.5 pen, it would be nice if I could perfect combining the two pens. 

I follow the artist  Niamh Moran on Instagram she works over her prints, adding more colour and detail, so each print is individual. As I've got several prints that don't sell I thought I'd experiment.

This is the First quarter of Summer, I've used several different mediums trying to find one that works. I used fine line felt pens, marker pens, coloured pencils and finally acrylic pens. Fine line pens are too dark, the paper is porous so the markers bleed, my pencils are too soft, I struggle to keep them within the lines, but yet again the acrylic pens are perfect.

Experimenting with Summer has led me to look at it again.
Summer started as a drawing of all the places we had visited with our grand boys in the school summer holidays in 2022.

The original has orange juice and dog foot prints all over it thanks to my then very large bouncy puppy, so I knew I could never sell it, so I put it into photoshop and started drawing over it. In the autumn of 2022 I started drawing Lynton and abandoned Summer. At that time I had only drawn the top half, so I cut it into 2 pieces to sell as quarters of Summer.

I had several prints of the First quarter of Summer, but as it wasn't popular I never bothered having the second quarter printed.

At some point in time I coloured the first quarter in digitally, which I love. I only have one copy, which is framed and has been shown at my Exmoor Parks exhibition.

I loved the colour version so much that I want to colour the whole drawing, unfortunately I can't find the original the digital progress image, plus the two quarters didn't match up as I'd redrawn the edges where they met.
So I've started the digital drawing again. The above is what I have drawn so far, the cream background is just to give an idea of how big it is.
I have visions of an A1 coloured version, framed on my wall and maybe a plan of where to submit it if I finish it in time.

And lastly I have a new sketchbook, which I'm so excited about, it's a A5 concertina sketchbook. I will be able to draw one page at a time and slightly overlap onto the next page, enabling all the drawings to become one large image.
I'm so excited I can't wait for it to stop raining so I can find something to draw in it.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Ilfracombe Harbour

 Ilfracombe is finished .. YAY!!

(Apart from a few waves around Verity, that Ive only just noticed, I'll draw them in before its goes to be printed.)

Anyway this drawing has taken me over a year, from the very first set of photographs to the drawing you see on screen.
I started drawing in December, using a 0.1 fine line pen, by the end of February when I had draw half the original pen drawing before I discovered it wouldn't fit on the page, so the original drawing ended up as a set of sketches.

Since April I have been working on it in photoshop, I've done an awful lot of cut and pasting, been back several times to take more photo's, studied google street view trying to fill in the gaps. The photo's below show my progress over the last 4 months.



The image will be a Giclee print, printed using pigment inks onto archival fine art paper.

The print is now ready for ordering, UK orders will be delivery straight from the printer, so will be unsigned. 
I am able to sign and deliver copies locally anywhere within 20 miles of Lynton, which includes Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Braunton, South Molton etc etc If you live a little further please contact me as I will need to charge a small amount towards fuel costs.

The Image can be printed in three sizes and costs (UK shipping) included as follows..
A1+ (limited edition 500) £300
A2+ £130
A3+ £85
I am able to send internationally however shipping will be extra.

I accept PayPal or bank transfer payments.
If you have any questions or would like a copy of the print please leave a message in the comments box on the left hand side of this post.

Wednesday 10 July 2024


Landscapes have always been my thing and so living at the end of the road is perfect for me. 
I like the wild best of all, I think that's why I have a strong affinity to the sea. I've lived within 10 miles of the coast all my life, I've spent the last 30 years with the sea almost on my door step. I can't imagine what it would be like to live inland.
I spent most of my early life surrounded by fields, woods and marshes, I still live very close to nature except I've swapped the fields & marshes for moorland and hills, so these are the things I draw.
I like to have a personal connection to the places I draw, that's why I draw my little corner of Exmoor. 
I don't feel I could draw somewhere else unless I have been there, but even then I feel slightly guilty for stealing someone else's landscape.

The view from the allotment is spectacular, across Lynmouth Bay to South Wales, on a clear day you can see the mountains and wind farms on the coast, this year we haven't had many clear days, but it was very clear on Sunday when we were at the allotment. I've never drawn this view, but the clouds are so amazing in this photo that I'm considering it. 

This is the view sideways to the east, the white building in the middle is The Blue ball pub, the white blur further up is camper vans in the car park we use when walking on Countisbury.

As I'd photographed The Blue Ball from the allotment I thought it was only right to photograph the allotment from the Blue Ball. You can just make them out in the second photo, to the left of the houses, behind the row of bungalows.
I'm not sure whether I will draw these views, but I like the fact they are connected.

Below are some of my other favourite local landscapes all within 5 mins from my front door.

Ilkerton Ridge which I have drawn several times and will probably draw again.

Holdstone Down, which I plan to draw next, maybe .....

Lynton & Lynmouth from Countisbury Hill, I love how this view illustrates just how remote we are. If I ever draw it I would need to draw on at least A2 size paper as I have a compulsion to draw all the buildings in the right places. Maybe it will need several sheets of paper and more photographs using a very good camera!

Park Gardens from Hollerday Hill, the angle is wrong, Park Gardens goes up hill to the right, but I photographed from it from the snowball path walking up hill to the left. I will have to alter the angle before I draw it.

There are so many more amazing views, almost every direction I look. When I decided I needed to appeal to a wider audience I decided I needed to leave Lynton and draw landscapes further afield, but as I've chosen to draw for me I can continue drawing my landscape without any guilt.

Photo's on my Phone 2nd July to 10th July 2024

 Another week of not much, except dog walking and drawing.

My friend and I took our love bugs for a walk up Hollerday Hill, where they chased each other up the hill, dug holes, slobbered on each other and played gentle tug of war. Siri always lets Edie have the stick/ball, he's twice her size and could easily win, but always defers to her in the end. Their bond is a beautiful thing to witness.

We spent some time at the allotment, its divided in half by the Tayberry (covered on green net on the second photo). 
Phil's half is neatly organised in rows, each time he plants he sifts the soil, all very scientific adding the right nutrients at the right time.
My half is chaotic and continues to evolve in its own special way. I've planted flowers and herbs along the edges, because I've always wanted a walled garden and this is the closest thing to one I can get. I'm growing a lot of onions and garlic, planted all over the place, courgettes, peas, beans and fruit bushes. I also have an asparagus bed which I'm very proud of, both my mother and granny had asparagus beds, neither were gardeners, but always produced a good crop each year. My bed is only in its second year, our soil is the worst possible soil for asparagus, I dug a couple of bags of sand in before I planted, the plants seem to be thriving and I have my fingers crossed for a good crop next year. I hope that one day Dais will follow in their footsteps and have one of her own.

My flowers are beautiful at this time of year, I'm especially proud of my rose William Lobb. I've had him quite a few years, he's moved from house to house in a pot, he's been at the allotment since we had it 3 years ago and this year he is spectacular and smells even better.

William Lobb grows next to my compost bins, those of you who remember NDS will recognise the bins.

On Monday we walked to the top of Dunkery Beacon, which is the highest point on Exmoor and Siri tried to dig up a stone to play with.

I was going to add more landscape photo's and talk about my relationship with the landscape, but I'm going to write a second post instead.

Ilfracombe is finished, I'll write a blog post when I've finished tidying it up.
Woolacombe is almost finished, think I might have spoilt it by colouring the roof's black, but never mind I might frame it anyway.

I only did one sketch last week, waiting in the car while Phil walked the dogs on the wrong side of Countisbury Hill, I'd strained my back from standing all day at the town hall market the previous day. The market was so good that I've treated myself to a posh concertina sketch book, I'm very excited, can't wait till it arrives.

Looking towards the East Lyn, drawn with a 0.03 pen