Saturday 27 July 2024

Photo's on my Phone 11th July to 27th July 2024

I don't have many photo's as we've been stuck at home due to all 3 dogs catching kennel cough from one of their dog friend's. 
The boys sailed through, but poor Tinks sounded like she had been smoking 40 a day for a couple of days, they are all better now.

While we were stuck at home the big boy's watched a football match.

While Mummy and Maggie pulled stupid faces.

We left the dogs at home for the Lynmouth Regatta, luckily the torrential rain that was forecast didn't happen, so much beer and laughter was enjoyed. 
The highlight of the regatta is always the seagull race, which involves running across the foot bridge with an outboard motor, attaching it to your dinghy, starting it, racing around the first post past the harbour wall while trying to keep the motor running.
Many fail at starting the motor bit, much to the amusement of the crowd who shout encouragement from the footbridge.

Our first trip out with the dog's when they had all recovered was to Braunton Burrow's, we all love the Burrows which is a vast area of giant sand dunes. 
This trip was very eventful, Ron disappeared chasing rabbits and didn't come back, Phil had to search for him while I put the other 2 on their leads (as we didn't want to lose them too) and looked in the opposite direction. Eventually Ron was captured and put on his lead, as we walked back to the car Tinks disappeared into a hedge and came back covered in fox poo, it was dripping off her collar, all over her head and back.
I dunked her in a very shallow muddy puddle to get the worst off, then Phil rubbed her down with handfuls of grass, we travelled home with all the car windows open!

And after 2+ weeks of quarantine Siri was finally reunited with his girlfriend (and hogged all the balls).

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